Help with DAC Going nuts

I've been spending a great deal of time researching DACS. Much of it causes me to glaze over. I can't see myself going to a computer based system. For now I want to be able to stream internet radio. I've narrowed things down to a few brands. Wavelength Brick used, Paradisea Havana, maybe the new Rega. My intention is to buy and hold. I listen to a lot of acoustical/folk and female vocalists. System is tubed. I know that a thread like this often results in countless recommendations. I'll certainly welcome these but hopefully I'll hear from those who are familiar with the brands mentioned. Thank you in advance for your input.
I also have been doing alot of research on new DACs. I have several older DACs and have had a hard time finding one that betters them in my system.

I think after reading and reading and reading, that I am going to try the Eastern Electric MiniMax DAC. Uses (1) tube and has the new ESS Sabre chip set. At $750 new, it seems like the "buy of the century". It has received numerous accolades.
Mofimadness - You will be very happy with the Eastern Electric MiniMax DAC. I recommended it to a friend that has a 100K system. I think that he is more excited about the $750- DAC, than either his $22,000 pair of speakers or his Krell monoblocks.

Thanks for the encouragement! Your comments have been the concensus of what I have found.
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I'd recommend giving the Tranquility DAC a listen. I think dbaudiolabs has some for under $1000 previously owned but under lengthy warranty. They have a generous return policy if not satisfied. Eric Hider is extremely helpful.

:) listening,
