Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?

I just bought Synergistic Research's new Tesla Accelerator speaker cables and Tesla Vortec interconnects from The Cable Company. I have tried many demo cables from The Cable Company over the past year. These were the first to give me that WOW factor I been looking for so long.

Does anyone have these cables and can you please post your impressions and comments? Thanks.
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I wouldn't let a problem that a dealer is having with a manufacture impact my decision on a product and/or services I wanted to purchase. Having owned a business myself matters like this usually arrive when bills aren't being paid in a timely matter or not at all. I'm not saying that your dealer isn't paying his or her bills. For the record I wouldn't know that. Did SR tell you that they were going to honor the deal you had with your dealer? Or did you hear this from your dealer?

I received nothing but great service from the entire staff and crew at Synergistic Research. They are always willing to answer any questions, you are never made to feel as if you are being rushed of the phone. Ted, Elliott and Mike have always gone the extra yard when needed.

Don't get caught up in problems that already exist between any dealer and a manufacture it has nothing to do with you. I'm sure you and Synergistic Research can and/or will work this matter out so it's a win win for all parties involved.

But then again that's my opinion. Enjoy the music things will workout.
I totally agree with Jmo. The service that Ted and Eliott have provided to me when I had problems has been nothing short of first rate.

I have converted all of my cables to SR. A number of folks have spoken of a major jump in performance when all of the cables are SR. After finishing with an Apex interconnect, I can say that they were being conservative. I was not prepared for this level of improvement in the sound of my system.

I am using Apex speaker cables. Precision Reference between the pream and amps. Apex for the DAC to preamp. 3 T3s, T2, Hologram D, Telsa USB, and a Quattro.

A PowerCell is probably in my near future as well.

Again, I'm sorry that the purchase of your new cables was not an enjoyable experience.
I agree with Jmo above. It sounds like you got caught in the middle of a dispute between a supposed "dealer" and SR. I would contact Ted or Eliot and explain your feelings. I will be surprised if they don't try to make things right.

It could also be that your "dealer" may have represented himself as such, but may not have actually been authorized by SR to act as same. That might explain their non-delivery.

I certainly wouldn't allow the problems of this "dealer" to influence your opinion of SR or its cables until you at have had a talk with Ted and/or Eliot. I would take their word over that of a dismissed "dealer" who pretty obviously would have nothing positive to say about SR at this point, IMHO
It was an authorized dealer. I'm sure a few of you have dealt with him out of WA. I know what the issue was between them, but I don't think we should discuss that.

I've talked to Eliot (twice) about this, and the only 'help' he offered was for me to go to another dealer to purchase the cables. Certainly didn't try to make things better.