What is the best HEAVY METAL speaker?

I know totally blasphemy question here on Audiogon. But you like what you like, right? Anyway, I know most metal music is totally compressed and recorded horrible (aka Metallica) however there is a new age of metal bands out there that are starting to change that (Opeth started with Blackwater Park). So what speakers out there can take the pounding of a double bass drum kit hitting at full throttle and give the roar of metal guitar justice. There has to be a set up that would make Glen Tipton turn his head and say hell ya!
Klipsch Heritage or JBL Synthesis. Both lines can take whatever you can throw at them. The Klipsch is a lot cheaper than the JBL line, but the JBLs sound better, imo. If you wanna go the cheap-o route look into Cerwin-Vega.
Most any ohm Walsh suitably sized to room with appropriate amplification.
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