Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?

I just bought Synergistic Research's new Tesla Accelerator speaker cables and Tesla Vortec interconnects from The Cable Company. I have tried many demo cables from The Cable Company over the past year. These were the first to give me that WOW factor I been looking for so long.

Does anyone have these cables and can you please post your impressions and comments? Thanks.
Bacardi, The T3 UHC works great on the QLS-9 to power my entire HT system. It is better than just a regular T3. The T3 UHC is heavier than the T3 but looks about the same in size. It is less congested and seems to have the juice for an entire system.

As for your sub, I was suggesting you try a T3 power cord for your subwoofer and also the Tesla reference interconnect cable to go with it. They take a long time to settle down but the results are stunning. The T2 sub cable is just like the Phase II X2 but without the Quantum Tunnel and upgraded Tesla active shield.

As for your upgrade from the S.R Alpha Sterling (quantum tunneled) X2 cables you currently have, choosing the Pre to Amp cables also depends on what you are currently usiung from your main source to your pre. What is currently in that position? Than I can make recommendations.

Bave_B and Shellie, I tried the Morrows and compared them to Synergistic. The Morrows are the second best cables I have tried. Synergistic being tops. So I continue being a minion. ;-)

Ozzy, I agree with you. I rather have the convenience of the Quattro than the QLS for the active shields. I have all my shields powered by the Quattro using a T3 power cord. I compared it to the T2 and I preferred the T3. Also, I have both the QLS and the Quattro and I prefer the Quattro. The QLS is too long in length for my 2-channel system and all those MPC's are too messy. I plug my Quattro into my Powercell 10 SE and it works great. I dont notice a difference really.

Hey Ted, how about a simple Galileo Quattro? Which I think would appear neater and organized than a QLS and 6 Galileo MPCÂ’s.
Understood Joeyboynj, they are similiar sounds in some ways but I feel the Morrows offer more color and harmonic complexity. It's all good:O)
Joeyboynj, I have Precision Reference RCA on my left/right interconnects & Alpha Sterling X2(quantum tunneled) on center and rears from amp to Pre. I have an Active Resolution Reference X2 Digital from DVD to Pre.

Also: Are the new mpc's called the Galileos? Are they better than the old mpc's???

In regards to my subwoofer, I'm running an old active Phase2 RCA and an Active Subwoofer AC Master Coupler power cord. I would like to upgrade them both.

Regards Bacardi
Well, I got my Exemplar Music Server up and running tonight. My Mac remote desktop had a hard drive failure. This meant that I had to move one of my two SR Hologram Ds to it. I tried the T2, but it did cut it. Curiously the T2 sounds best on my H-Cat P 12. I guess I have to get another Hologram D or stop playing the sacd player. I should also say that the Hologram D did not like being moved and took two hours to get where it was late tonight. Tomorrow it is be back to its best performance.
Ted... you must tell me more about the Galileo MPC! Will we be able to upgrade our current MPCs to the Galileo? How much will this cost? Will current cables start shipping with the new Galileo MPC standard or will it be an option only?

Oh and I guess if you don't catch this post in time... I'll ask you in person at RMAF :)