Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?

I just bought Synergistic Research's new Tesla Accelerator speaker cables and Tesla Vortec interconnects from The Cable Company. I have tried many demo cables from The Cable Company over the past year. These were the first to give me that WOW factor I been looking for so long.

Does anyone have these cables and can you please post your impressions and comments? Thanks.
Thanks for the info everyone.

I do have both the T3 and T3 UHC.
I really like the warmth
of these cables. So, if I go with a Hologram A
will I lose any of this warmth?
Scottmac62, demo the Hologram A. I say probably not as warm but more transparent and pin point and more detail and better airy clear highs. There is so much more with the Hologram A. Its a must demo if you are going all Tesla. Especially with the Hologram D on digital. They were designed to compliment wach other.
I have a question about securing my QLS. The PCs for the CDP and Pre make it tilt on it's side and unstable in it's position. So I zip tied it to the rack so it's held solidly down flat against the wood.

But then I wondered if vibrations from the rack would negatively affect the sound.

Should I isolate it from the rack? put some footers or spikes on it and then zip tie it down?
I would like to add that I have recently moved my Hologram A power cord from my Amp to my Preamp.
I also moved the Presicion Ref power cord from the Preamp to my Amp.
I have only listened to this switch for a few hours thus far, but so far, I like what I am hearing.
Better high Frequencies and better imaging.

I also have other power cords, a T2 on my Quattro, and a Hologram D On my CD Player. Along with Apex speaker cables and interconnects and my PowerCell SE
Adwiegert, my QLS 9 is just laying on the floor. It is such a snakes nest back there that I never even thought of vibrations having and effect. But prior experiences strongly says it will. There is also the problem of the SR cables being on the floor rather than supported on isolators. I am going to see whether I can do something about this today.