Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?

I just bought Synergistic Research's new Tesla Accelerator speaker cables and Tesla Vortec interconnects from The Cable Company. I have tried many demo cables from The Cable Company over the past year. These were the first to give me that WOW factor I been looking for so long.

Does anyone have these cables and can you please post your impressions and comments? Thanks.
Could someone let me know the outer dimensions (in milimeters if possible) of PowerCell 10SE conditioner?

I am interested in full dimension including feats and front panel height.

The conditioner looks quite large so dedicated shelf will be necessary but I cannot find information about their

Update: from 1-20-2010 post

Well I have moved the Precision Ref Power cord back to my Preamp and the Hologram A back to my Amp. This is the way I will keep it.
It sounds more natural.

The Precision Ref is a very good power cord, and in my system it should be used on my Preamp. It was much better than the T2 that everyone recommends for Preamps.

So, I guess trial and error is still the best way to see what works best for each component.
We are working on a MASSIVE new website that when live will be updated on a daily to weekly basis. This dynamic format is necessary to cover the rapid state of progress we are making on existing and upcoming technologies like the MIG's, Galileo, and recording industry innovations which will have a significant impact not only on audio playback, but also on how recordings are made.

Stay tuned but if you have questions that need answers now, feel free to contact me at the factory.

Yours in music,
Ted Denney III
Lead Designer, Owner Synergistic Research Inc.
Ozzy, do you have a QLS with a T2 on it? If so, switch it with your Precision AC on your pre -amp. I have it that way and noticed a big difference in soundstage and dynamics. I think seeing as though most of my S.R cords are plugged into the QLS9 it does more for the overall sound than the T2. Cleaner, blacker, open soundstage and boosts the sheilding dramatically. It gives a very delicate and intense quality to the sound when needed.

Regards Bacardi
Bacardi, I have a T2 powering a Quattro. The Quattro is powered by my Powercell 10SE. The Powercell has Gallio Mini couplers. My Preamp(Pass Labs XP-10)sounds was better with the Precision power cord than when I used the T2 on it.