Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?

I just bought Synergistic Research's new Tesla Accelerator speaker cables and Tesla Vortec interconnects from The Cable Company. I have tried many demo cables from The Cable Company over the past year. These were the first to give me that WOW factor I been looking for so long.

Does anyone have these cables and can you please post your impressions and comments? Thanks.
Ozzy, I know what you are saying. It looks like a snake's nest behind my system. But I do suspect you are losing a good deal. I never heard a Quattro, but the Galileo MPCs are exceed the originals.

I would not be surprised were there a new Quattro or Enigma soon.

Bacardi, are you selling your Quattro?
I can't figure out which to go with on the preamp! I've given both 4 days to settle before intensive listening. And now I've rigged them up so I can swap them back and forth without moving them very much.

Today I spent the past 5 hours listening to a song with one cable, swapping to the other and listening again, rinsing and repeating before moving on to another CD or song.

If I had only auditioned the T2 on the preamp I would be perfectly happy with it. But the T3 adds some things I really like... but it also adds some things I'm not sure of. It makes the T2 sound a tad thin in the midrange with a little less body and soundstage width... but the T2 makes the T3 sound overly warm at times... to the point were it's a bit closed in.

I have a headache now.
02-10-10: Adwiegert

"Today I spent the past 5 hours listening to a song with one cable, swapping to the other and listening again, rinsing and repeating before moving on to another CD or song."

Were you washing your hair during all this? I try to rinse and repeat also. (o:
Ozzy, Yes, going all Galileo is a significant improvement over the Quattro. I would not have sold the Quattro if it was not. I have all the MPC's plugged into the bottom outlets on my Powercell 10SE and I neatly coiled all the cables and they hide neatly under my audio rack and neatly snake to the DC plugs on my cables. My setup looks very neat and tidy. Just takes a little planning. Get a rack that has feet on a clearance underneath and neatly hide the wire there like I did.