Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?

I just bought Synergistic Research's new Tesla Accelerator speaker cables and Tesla Vortec interconnects from The Cable Company. I have tried many demo cables from The Cable Company over the past year. These were the first to give me that WOW factor I been looking for so long.

Does anyone have these cables and can you please post your impressions and comments? Thanks.
I have just placed my T3 on my CDP instead of T2 and I like much better. I have already an Apex XLR on the CDP to the preamp, a Precision Ref. IC XLR on the preamp to amp and Precision Ref. SC, I have also Galileo which I placed on my PR IC and obtained a better listening than on the Apex.

Anyone already compared the T3 to Hologram D on its CDP? Which are the differences? Is this a great improvement?

Jazz 59, not the T3, but the Hologram D versus the T2 was a jawdroping experience. With the Hologram D the sound is more encompassing, dynamic, deeper, quieter. I did this on a music server, several cdps and several sacd players, and on several dacs.
Tbg, thank you to report your experiment. It is one can what I thought following the reading of the reactions of the other owners of Hologram D. In my comparative between T2 and the T3, the T3 is above T2, but it is not the day and the night.

I will order 3 more Galileo and surely 1 Hologram D. After an Apex IC and 1 Galileo last month, my banker surely will kill me.
I agree the Hologram D is jawdroping as Tbg described. Wait to you hear Synergistic's new MIG footers under your CDP. I just got them today. WOW! Review soon... ;-) I also have a set under my integrated.

I've got two sets on the way to demo for my CDP and Pre. How did you set yours up? dome facing up or down? one in back and two at the front or other way around?

any tips for playing with these things?