Uh Oh, Not another Bi-Wire thread...

So being a 2-chennel guy and abiding by the universal laws of the audio-fool I adopted early on the philosophy of ‘less is more.’

I have always looked at audio with the idea of quality over quantity.

If I have $5000, what would get me better sound?

No matter how much money I had or have in the future, I still look the sum amount and think that it still get me better two-channel sound than surround sound.

So taking this idea a little further what is everybodys opinion on single wire vs. bi-wire? Wouldn’t it be better to allocate $1000 to better single wire than the same amount to bi-wire?

This idea came to me after reading the Lavardin website and there opinion on Bi-Wire…

“Is it worth bi-cabling speakers ?
Bi-cabling speakers implies using double quantity of cable. Now, if one pays attention to cabling, this implies one is aware that cabling can reduce musical quality. ?To be logical, if one want to, everything must be done to reduce the quantity and the lenght of cable between amplifier and speakers. ?Cables manufacturer's marketing now explains that if two cables are used instead of one, each one will see a lower charge, thus will behave a better way. We do not share this point of view. To our point of view, the signal will receive two times more pollution. ?In a very high quality system, doubling the cables doubles the problems and can clearly be heard : loss of details, nuances, micro dynamic ....Thus the sound will appear more punchy but also poorer...”
I say spend the most you can on single wire. If you funds are unlimited, then go for top of the line biwire.
Wouldn’t it be better to allocate $1000 to better single wire than the same amount to bi-wire?


Yes, IMHO. I played around with this idea myself for several years, and came to the conclusion that bi-wiring with cheaper cable does not sound as good to me as single wiring with better cables. If you have a $1000 budget, buy the best single cable for that $$$, two $500 cables would not sound as good, IMHO. Of course the cable companies will want you to buy two $1000 cables, but you have to draw the line somewhere.

Well, here is what a speaker manufacturer says ... my listening agrees with him. Does yours agree with Lavardin?

There are a tremendous amount of variables in this situation. Every sound is system influcenced. The question of brand of cabling may influence the sound more than than bi-wiring! Sorry, no easy answers.