well, my experience differ's from those above. My closest audio pal has Vandersteen 5a's, and I am very famaliar with the various changes to his system over the years. I think the Ac cord can really help the overall soundstage, not just bass soundstaging when the Vandies are set up well to do so (ie room treatments, set up out into the room, away from walls, no tv's or equip racks inbetween......)
2 Ac cords that really soundstage in the bass regions (ie the bass doesn't emit from the speakers, or the center stage ie mono bass, but rather from where the bass player/players/section is/are in the ensemble as recorded). With a Tg Audio SLVR on the 5a's if a symphonie has the double basses off to the far right outside the right speaker, and they curl around to toward the center stage behind the cello's or viol's then that's where you here them - both as single players and as a section... Same for the Elrod Signature cords. I personally liked the Tg better for soundstage focus of the deep bass and the hall info that comes from well reproduced deep bass(rear hall, side walls as well as dynamics and soundstage size increase from well done deep bass), but listen for yourself. Even upgrading from the stock cords to the Asylum recipe AC cord was an upgrade to his stock cords on the 5A's, that is what convinced him to seek better cords for the Vandersteen Amps.
But then again, set up is everything, as is your system's synergy as a whole (and Ac polarity, and recording polarity as well). Your Source, preamp, and amp/speaker interface with the room, all have to in concert with each other, have these abilities to hear these differences - the Ac cords/system cabling alone do not perform miracles on gear that doesn't have these abilities or priorities; they help but do not make it "all" happen.