Replacing stock cables: where to start

Hi, everyone. I've got stock cables on my Sony S9000ES CD player, Eastern Electric Minimax tube preamp and Bel Canto eVo 4 Gen II amp. They're connected with FIM Silver and Cardas Neutral Reference interconnects and Speltz speaker cables. I like the chemistry of that equipment and figured the next logical addition would be power cords. I've been told that the CD player would be the best place to start, then the preamp and then the amp. Any thoughts on that? Also, I was hoping to spend $175 or less on each cord (5-6 foot lengths). I'd appreciate any advice on which cords would work well with each piece. Thanks.
Yep, I'd start with a source first. Get the best cable you can for it. Audience powerChord always worked well on any digital front end component I had. At your price point, for preamp check out Shunyata Diamondback and for amp Shunyata Copperhead. Also look into Virtual Dynamics, Acoustic Zen Tsunami Plus.
Good recommendations above. I've had good luck with AZ Tsunami, VH Audio and Virtual Dynamics. Even the entry level Virtual Dynamic PCs I've owned were very good.
Try the Zu Bok or even better the Varial. But the Zu Bok was already better ( much) then my FIM Silver powercord. Buy used, that's much cheaper and they are burned in. I also like the Soundstring and Audience cables.
I'm fussy about my ic's and speaker cables but never found a power cord that sounded any better to me than what you get for $10.00 at Wal-Mart. Your own experience may differ and it is reasonable to assume that it is somewhat dependent upon differences in equipment. A well intended suggestion would be to have some one help you blind test when you start playing with power cords, at the degree of sublety you are dealing with it is easy for psychological factors to overwhelm perception.
Jeff_jones, I found that difference between power cords on a certain component depends on several things. Just to name a few:
1) the overall resolution of the system
2) the quality of power supply in a given component.
3) room acoustics(which also contributes to bullet #1)

also, just how much different a given power cord will sound from a stock cord on a given component also depends on what aftermarket power cord are we talking about.
Example: you will hear bigger improvement over a stock cord with, let's say, a Shunyata Anaconda Helix, than you would by comparing the stock cord to Zu Bok.

Difference between power cords could be as obvious as between interconnects. Things like bass, midrange, instrument separation, air, soundstage, are all affected by cables, including power cords. Also, effect of power cords is cumulative. If you change one, you get certain amount of improvement(with the right cord that is). If you upgrade all, you gain more. Same as with interconnects.
This has been my experience in my system. As we like to say here on the 'gon, YMMV.