Transparent Audio Power Cords

What are your thoughts on the Transparent Power Cords? I am particularly interested in the Reference PowerLink (for my amp).
My experiences don't correspond with yours; I haven't experienced any issue with the PLMM restricting dynamics of my monoblocks. Further, to address the insinuation that it was the "network box" that was limiting dynamics: (1) Transparent doesn't refer to it using such term and (2) using MIT Oracle AC 2 PCs also did not limit dynamics.
Bar81, "insinuation"? rather strong word to use. As I said its my own experience. I have nothing against Transparent cable. In fact, I like it so much that I m using PLMM on my CJ Act 2.2, Orpheus Zero Transport, Ensemble Fonobrio, PLR on my benchmark dac (when I upgrade the Dac, it will be upgraded to PLMM), Transparent reference digital cable both 75ohm and 110ohm, 2 Transparent Reference interconnect and Transparent Opus MM speaker cable. Neither do I any problem with MIT, when I m using MIT Oracle V 1.1 with interconnect between my phonostage and preamp. Does it look like I have something against Transparent with the stuff I m using from Transparent Audio and MIT? So lighten up. Everybody is entitle to their opinions, without getting work up and we are here to learn from each other
I'm looking for the sizes (awg) of each Transparent cords to apply it on my system appropriately. Please help me finding it.
Also, I'm searching to learn to understand which model is a higher version than the others and which one is the newer /older version? A complete line of (previous)production is what I'm asking. Thankyou all and happy listening.
Note: I have already read the current models from Trans's website.