Transparent Audio Power Cords

What are your thoughts on the Transparent Power Cords? I am particularly interested in the Reference PowerLink (for my amp).
I was also tried the Tranparent MM ac cord while I was shopping for power cord for my system.

After trying several model/brand, I was on the verge of getting some Nordost Valhalla until I tried the LessLoss AC cord.

I was lucky to pick them up for 250$ due to a promotion they had on Audiogon last summer. They now go for 500$. Still a good deal for that price.

Sent an email to the editor of Bound for Sound ( and ask him about the LessLoss AC for an amplifier.

I bought my LessLoss cables before I read the review.
I like the sound of Transparent PLMM PC. However, dont use it on poweramp. I used it on CJ 350 for awhile and it certainly restrict the dynamics of the poweramp with it network box. Replace it with a PLMM without network- a world of a difference in dynamics. Merely my experience. May differ from other users. Happy listening
My experiences don't correspond with yours; I haven't experienced any issue with the PLMM restricting dynamics of my monoblocks. Further, to address the insinuation that it was the "network box" that was limiting dynamics: (1) Transparent doesn't refer to it using such term and (2) using MIT Oracle AC 2 PCs also did not limit dynamics.
Bar81, "insinuation"? rather strong word to use. As I said its my own experience. I have nothing against Transparent cable. In fact, I like it so much that I m using PLMM on my CJ Act 2.2, Orpheus Zero Transport, Ensemble Fonobrio, PLR on my benchmark dac (when I upgrade the Dac, it will be upgraded to PLMM), Transparent reference digital cable both 75ohm and 110ohm, 2 Transparent Reference interconnect and Transparent Opus MM speaker cable. Neither do I any problem with MIT, when I m using MIT Oracle V 1.1 with interconnect between my phonostage and preamp. Does it look like I have something against Transparent with the stuff I m using from Transparent Audio and MIT? So lighten up. Everybody is entitle to their opinions, without getting work up and we are here to learn from each other