best shielded pc for cd player around $200-300

was considering jps digital and shuyaunta??????? any ideas?????????
I use a PS Audio Statement Xstream and like it very much. It blackened the background on my cd player.

I think Audience is one of the best cords under $300 for cd players and dacs. but it is not shielded. It is better than Diamondback.

Shielded cords to try...I would suggest Virtual Dynamics Power3 and David. Also, Shunyata Taipan Alpha, but for this price you will only get 1 meter.
I also use a PS Audio xStream Statement on my CDP. I upgraded from their Mini Lab PC that I'd enjoyed. I use Virtual Dynamics on everything else -- power cords for pre, power, and sub, IC's, and speaker cables. But I did not care for the Virtual Dynamics Audition PC when plugged into my CDP. For my tastes and with my equipment, it was overly sterile, glaring, hyper detailed.

I love the xStream Statement for digital applications. It is warm, yet detailed, and very quiet (blacker background, to second Czbbcl's post). Very well built. It is a lot of cord for the money.
Tne K-works empowered cord is a sleeper if you can find one. I use it on my DAC and believe it is shielded.