kimber cable bi focals xl speaker cable

anyone have any experience with kimber cable bi focal xl cables. i'm running audience au24's right now, but not really sold on em'.
Hi Gilman, you are probably are getting tired of getting the same responses from the same people. But here we go again. I got the Profile 918's and Synergistic Research’s new Tesla Accelerator speaker cables. What a great match! Warm, liquid midrange, controls that detailed treble the 918's have (i.e. less hiss and more detail), more bass output with great detail. The increased bass output and treble taming is what sold me. Get a demo from The Cable Company and also demo the PAD Aqueous at the same time from them and compare. Have Fun!
hey joeyboynj, don't mind the repeat responses from the same ppl. im actually very new here, so ill welcome any response at all. started when i replaced my pre-amp, and within a month, everything was replaced. almost forgot how wonderful(and expensive this hobby is). its actually fun again to sit in front of 2 channel audio and get lost. by the way, the pre-amp is a B.A.T. tube vk3ix.
I have at the moment Kimber 8TC connected to Focal Electra 1027 Be. Do you think that the upgrade to Kimber Bi-Focal XL is worth the money ? Does anybody have any experience with this upgrade ?

Sorry for interrupting the discussion but I believe that these two questions are inter-related so maybe it is better to handle them within one discussion ....

Normally I don't respond to forum posts, but I have to here.

I went from the 8TC's to the Bifocals XL's, and it was leagues better. I could not believe what I had been missing.

I really think for the money the Bifocals are the point of diminishing return.
Dejanm, I believe you mean the upgrade to Kimber Monocle XL. The Bi-Focal XL is for bi-wireable speakers which the Focal Electra 1027 Be are not. The Focals will definitely allow you to hear the upgrade to the Monocle XL for sure.