Automatic return arms - still produced ?

I am not as quick and agile as I once was ! Soooo , I would like to find an audiophile grade tt with the automatic return arm . I do not want to delve into the vintage realm .
Is something like this currently manufactured ?

Thank You
The Safety Raiser will work. You may find one on ebay. They are probably $150 - $200. They also sold the same thing under the Signet brand.
The Safety Raiser will work. You may find one on ebay. They are probably $150 - $200. They also sold the same thing under the Signet brand.
Sounds_real_audio ; no problem , you didn't know and were just trying to help !

I'll check into the Safety Riser/Signet .

Thank you
Denon made a pretty good auto arm on a direct drive TT... and I saw some for sale recently. Any direct drive table needs to go on a good isolating platform
A friemd of mine just bought a audio technica turntable with an automatic arm.