Power Cord for Satellite Receiver

What is your recommendation for power cord for Satellite Receiver?
>> What is your recommendation for power cord for Satellite Receiver? <<

Just get a cord that can handle the current draw of the device and you're done. And I would think this could easily be accomplished for $50 or less. Of course, if you want to make yourself "feel" good, you could always blow a couple thousand on one. It won't work any better, but you'll feel good...

We have found the shielded Cardas Audio Twinlink or Twinlink C7 to be a fine performer.
Did it come with one? OK - then that's a good one.

Really not trying to be flippant. This is all digital domain, so if you're getting reasonably decent power to your outlet then unless you're doing something awful or practically illegal between the wall & the receiver then the cord it came with will do just fine ('specially when you compare that cord of maybe 6 feet with what happened between the generator & your house...).
You could consider getting a C7 to IEC adaptor that would allow you to try many different power cords instead of just the few high quality C7 cords made.
