"Great RCA interconnects under $100?"

Is it possible to get really good sound from a $100 or less interconnect? I have worked with some very good cables from Acoustic Zen and Harmonic Technology. I now want to experiment with the other end of the price spectrum. Would like to hear your opinions on these or any other cables that list for $100 or less NEW. No cheating by saying you can buy it used for under $100, OK?
Here is my short list of $100 or less interconnects: Signal Cable Analog Two, DH Labs BL I, Better Cables Silver Serpent, Audio Art IC-3, VooDoo Opus 1, Fro-Zen Stellar Labs, Harmonic Technology Harmony Link, Analysis Plus Oval One.
I just noticed the return to Audiogon advertising of the RCA interconnects from Auricle Audio Design - made by Joe Mazzaglia.
These are the among the lowest cost interconnects, yet able to deliver excellent results with better quality components. I hear a wealth of detail and subtleties in each recording, as well as enjoying extended frequency response, and properly rendered dynamic contrasts.
These interconnects reveal more about the quality in other components than any other easily affordable wire I have listened through.
While I enjoy the sound of a a top notch audio system, I believe that high end cable prices have little to do with vastly improving the sound of a system relative to their prices. If it floats your boat and you want a $2,000 power cord, go for it. I will probably have a hard time agreeing that it was money well spent soundwise.
One of the reasons people fall out of this hobby is that prices get much higher year after year just to be current with equipment. I've been in this hobby for over 40 years, and most non-audio people are shocked when I tell them how much I have invested in my main system. It is refreshing to me that someone might be able to design a pair of interconnects for under $100 that sound great. I and many others in this hobby don't need the pinnacle of every component available out there. Remember the heyday of Stereophile and TAS, when each tried to outdo the other for most expensive equipment reviewed? Well, I don't even read those publications anymore and haven't for years. I think many people followed me. Why do you think you could buy a subscription to Stereophile recently for $10?
For me, and I suspect many others, getting about 90% of the sound we're after is going to float our boats. I don't have to have the last word in resolution in order to justify a purchase or enjoy the music. With so many things competing for what discretionary income left, the hobby needs pioneers who use their creative side to design products that greatly exceed customer expectations at that price point. My hat is off to those that accomplish that. Here are some more cables under $100 to consider (I have not heard any of these yet)... Raymond Cable Silver Analog, Aural Harmony Silver Sonnet, RS Audio, White Zombie La Cacanya & Aural Thrills Air Silver.
I've found the aural thrills gold cable to be okay. The 4 outlet box is a nice piece. But find the Audio Metallurgy ICs to have more of what pleases me, in the several places I've tried them. I still think that what I sell is better, listening comparisons only. :)
But would have to say this regarding the mid-topic points made,
"great" not likely; "really rather good" highly likely."
I wear a $200 Seiko, won't buy designer jeans.
-------------------------------------------Best Regards.