Kubala Sosna and Virtual Dynamics - Similar??

I have gone through the Forums and checked on the comments and write-ups on both brands. Both are rated highly, especially for the KS Emotion and VD Master and Revelation ranges.....

I would like to know how similar these cables are in terms of sonics for Speaker cables and Power cords...

It seems that VD is hugely popular at the moment and KS is used by a select few....

Where I am, there is no dealer available, therefore I have to rely on your comments and suggestions...KS doesnt allow international trials and have not checked with VD..

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I'll be interested in reading your thoughts on the VD cords Teck. FWIW, my tastes seem to run more in line with John's (Jafox). I have had some success with VD Master and Revelation power cords, mostly on amplifiers. I just returned a pair of VD Revelation speaker cables that Rick was kind enough to let me demo. I felt they had outstanding clarity, dynamics and power, and good attack on the notes. However, like John, I felt the decay was too quick, and not natural. I also felt that the presentation was too forward for my tastes, and the soundstage too flat, 2-dimensional.

Once I switched back to my PAD Dominus speaker cables, my speakers just dissapeared. The rear wall did too, as the stage depth increased 5 fold. While the Dominus isn't as quick on the attack of the note, it has a more natural decay. As I said to a friend of mine, the Revelations better defined the strings plucked on a guitar, but the Dominus gave a more natural sound of the guitar's wood body resonating. Kind of like picking between a good tube amp or a good SS amp.

Two very good, yet very different cables. I have not heard the K-S cables yet, from what I've heard though, they are closer to the PAD camp than the VD camp.

I'll also second John's opinion of the Jade Audio Solid Gold cables. Very natural, relaxed with spatial cues that come from well defined locations.

Interesting comments - my experiences were somewhat different with the VD and PAD cables. With PAD I got a "middle of the hall" and somewhat "veiled" presentation, which I didn't care for at all. On the other hand, VD puts me in the front row, where I want to be. As far as decay and depth of soundstage are concerned, I am getting plenty of both in my system using VD speaker cables, so my conclusion is that cables are obviously very system- and listener-dependent. Music preference also plays a role here.

John - One thing that I did notice about my Revelation speaker cables is that they took a LONG time to break in properly (750+ hours - 2+ months). Hopefully Rick mentioned that to you and you put at least several hundred hours on them before coming to any meaningful conclusions.
Hi John / Fplanner2000
The power cords should be arriving hopefully this weekend or early next week....

VD had them in the cooker for 8 straight days before shipping them (per my request)...so this will reduce my burn in period a little...

I have also made contact with the Stealth dealer to test the Dream and M5000 cords....

Will post my observations after that...
Fplanner2000, I had a long reply typed out, but it just dissapeared on me. I hate when that happens.

Suffice it to say that I think we are both hearing the same things, but have different values. Yes, the PAD has a mid hall presentation, that's what I like about it. Yes, the VD is like being transported to the front row, that's what I didn't like about it.

When I go to shows/concerts or even sporting events, I do not care to sit in the first 10-15 rows. I feel that I can see/hear more of the overall production from a mid-hall perspective. You want to be in the front row, I don't care for that at all. I feel as if the music is being forced on me. I prefer a more relaxed presentation.

Yes, I've heard that VD products can take 2-4 months to sound their best. However, the money back guarantee doesn't apply that long. I couldn't wait that long either. After 10 days of running 24/7, the sound hadn't changed at all (these weren't new, but used cables anyway). I couldn't wait to get my PAD cables back in place.
I am grateful to Rick for letting me try them, and they do many things right, but they are just too forward for my tastes.

Obviously there are many out there who like front row presentation, look at the success of VD, Mark Levinson and EMM Labs gear. However, if you look at the success of PAD, BAT, Audio Aero, etc, you'll see that many like the mid hall presentation as well. That's why it's helpful, when asking questions on-line, to know what musical tastes you have and the tastes of the responders as well.

Teck5 may well be a front row guy/gal, we'll soon find out.
It will be interesting if he/she has a chance to hear the VD cords side by side with the Stealth cords. He/she will immediately know which perspective best suits them.

Teck5, BTW, I also agree with Jafox that you should probably address your front end before trying all of these power cords. Cables/cords are some nice finishing touches, but you must have a solid foundation. It all starts with the source.


PS: Yes, this is the short version. :)
WOW !!!
My findings were the complete opposite of jayfox & jmc. Please , no disrespect.
These are just my feelings on just some of the cables I have tried in the last few years.
This just goes to show everyone that there is a major difference of opinions on cables. Not to say one is better than the other. Each System & Rooms play a MAJOR factor .
I found that the Virtual Dynamics cables were
better than anything I have ever tried.
Im using a mix of Genesis & Rev Sig & 2.0's in my system.
They are defiantly not to forward , in my opinion & do not show any decay in any frequency regions. I thought they are the most natural cables to date.
VD cables do have outstanding balance, clarity, timber, & dynamics.
& yes they are fast , defined & very revealing.

The soundstage & seperation was very realistic &
3 dimensional. My speakers left the room.

After a complete Purist cable upgrade to my system using both Purist Anniversary & Dominus.
I felt the Purist line closed my system in, like putting a hood over my speakers.
Yes they were good.
A dark background ,with great bass , but not at all what I expected. To rolled off in my opinion.
As for the K/S line , yes they are closer to the Purist line. But not at all close to the Virtual Dynamics.

I feel the VD cables just have that more natural live sound I feel we are all looking for in our systems.