Interesting comments - my experiences were somewhat different with the VD and PAD cables. With PAD I got a "middle of the hall" and somewhat "veiled" presentation, which I didn't care for at all. On the other hand, VD puts me in the front row, where I want to be. As far as decay and depth of soundstage are concerned, I am getting plenty of both in my system using VD speaker cables, so my conclusion is that cables are obviously very system- and listener-dependent. Music preference also plays a role here.
John - One thing that I did notice about my Revelation speaker cables is that they took a LONG time to break in properly (750+ hours - 2+ months). Hopefully Rick mentioned that to you and you put at least several hundred hours on them before coming to any meaningful conclusions.
John - One thing that I did notice about my Revelation speaker cables is that they took a LONG time to break in properly (750+ hours - 2+ months). Hopefully Rick mentioned that to you and you put at least several hundred hours on them before coming to any meaningful conclusions.