I need good power cable for musical fidelity KW500

Hi everybody,
I need help, I had KW500 for 6 months now very happy but i still can't find any good match power cable to go with. I still use the factory one (actually is really good sound) I did try some cable and most recent one and most expansive one is Shunyata Python Helix still no good I don't know why(factory one is even better). When i use python ths sound much closer a bit shut in lost the soundstage but more bass which is I'm not looking for.

Current setup:
Dynaudio contour S3.4
Musical Fidelity KW500
Marantz SA11S1 SACD player
all cables are Audience au24 interconnect and speaker cable and power cord for CD player.

Thanks everybody advice, what i'm looking for $1000 range used...but very hard to find in audiogon especially 20A.Have anybody heard Elrod Statement?
DCCA is in your price range, call Don and maybe even check to see if he has any demo cords....
That takes a 20 Amp IEC right? Believe it or not I tried the Shunyata Python and Richard Grays good cord and the Gray beat it by a good deal. Better HF and image and properly stated bass. I too like you didn't like the Pythons bass, it was too much. Grays are $750 new and about half that here on A'gon.I now use one on all my gear including an MF Trivista SACD and two CJ amps.