PC: Synergistic Tesla, Lessloss, Transparent MM

Hello, I currently have a Lessloss power cord to arrive in about 10 days. Besides the Lessloss PC, I've been reading and thinking about the great user feedback on the Synergistic Research Tesla line, and some strong user feedback about Transparent's MM. I'm trying to restore some of the cyrstalline clarity to the upper mids and highs (planar tweeter) of my Reimer Wind Rivers, while still maintaining the "meat on their bones" (the bass weight, mids fullness). I don't like cables that impart any leanness.

Will try the Lessloss on my Blue Circle BMPH integrated, replacing the Audience PC.

Any of you compared SR Tesla, Lessloss, or Transparent PC's?

Also thinking of trying the Lessloss on my PS Audio Premier if the system's upper clarity is not improved enough with the cord change on the Blue Circle integrated.
Thanks, Foster
Rydenfan, I'll be interested to read your review too. But in my experience it took longer than a few days for the Lessloss to settle in.
We would like more people to know about LessLoss. So, for a limited time, we offer the following deal:

(1) Purchase a 2m LessLoss Dynamic Filtering Power Cable on PayPal for only $350 USD including shipping. PayPal ID is lessloss@lessloss.com

(2) Receive the cable in only 2-3 days via UPS international express guaranteed service with full tracking and automated email shipping information.

(3) Let the cable settle in your system for 3 days.

(4) Publish your honest, personal listening experience on Audiogon the same week you receive your cable.

All participants in this extremely aggressive campaigne will be remembered and eligible for a very attractive rebate on their next LessLoss power cable order, should they wish to order more cables in the future. This future rebate offer shall be valid for one year and will be set to 30% lower than the present quantity rebate offer!

Is it just me or do others think that #4 is a bit far fetched? I mean publish a review the same week you receive the cord??? That seems like quite a stretch to me. I've dealt with a LOT of power cords and cables, and I wouldn't consider making comments in less than a month with the product. Maybe that's just me, who knows? It's definitely the most aggressive marketing campaign that I've ever seen any company run.....even more agressive than DK Design integrated amp of a couple years ago.

I suppose you won't get that extra 30% discount if the review is not positive....

John (Jmcgrogan2), thanks for the condescending attitude...I like it! Like you, I don't own one and quite frankly Im too skeptic to buy into a cord that conditions the sound. They sure look purdy though. I already have conditioning...redundancy issues??

Rydenfan...like Sherod said, review in exactly 2 days 23.5 hrs or you're fired!!

Have fun!!

I wasn't going to post anything but I received my cable yesterday. I use a PS audio PPP and was intending to use the cable on that. I am using Emerald Physics CS2 speakers so I figured I would try it on that replacing an XLO Reference 2 cable. I wasn't exopecting much change but it really shocked me.
Instead of hearing speakers I heard music. Everything was better separated and the icing on the cake was that the speakers disappeared. Put back the XLO and the sound collapsed. That was straight out of the bag.
Now i'm not saying everyone is going to experience the same change but it worked for me.

Before you become too cynical, try and get a listen, you or I might not agree with the business practices but consider 2 points.

1) How many people have said anything negative about the cables?

2) How many do you see going fo resale?