PC: Synergistic Tesla, Lessloss, Transparent MM

Hello, I currently have a Lessloss power cord to arrive in about 10 days. Besides the Lessloss PC, I've been reading and thinking about the great user feedback on the Synergistic Research Tesla line, and some strong user feedback about Transparent's MM. I'm trying to restore some of the cyrstalline clarity to the upper mids and highs (planar tweeter) of my Reimer Wind Rivers, while still maintaining the "meat on their bones" (the bass weight, mids fullness). I don't like cables that impart any leanness.

Will try the Lessloss on my Blue Circle BMPH integrated, replacing the Audience PC.

Any of you compared SR Tesla, Lessloss, or Transparent PC's?

Also thinking of trying the Lessloss on my PS Audio Premier if the system's upper clarity is not improved enough with the cord change on the Blue Circle integrated.
Thanks, Foster
I replaced my Amp cord for a lessloss cord awhile back and payed full price, going down stream as the Amp cord is the least noticeable and heard better high end improvments, shimmer and shine without the brightness right off the bat, I decided to get another cord for my Esoteric player at the discount price and it magnified the effect 3 times. I love going to Jazz clubs and comparing the live performance to my CDs and with everything being relevent I felt that I was losing the excitment of the cymbals and other instruments related to this frequency un till now the excitment is back like listening to the live performance at the club with these cords in my system.
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Tvad is right, this cord is not the most detailed but it tightens up the low end and has a very good midrange. It is a cord that you need to demo first if you can. I took a chance and bought one and it worked well in my system so I bought more. I have a tube pre-amp that has many different families of tubes so I can get more detail by changing a tube if I want. I won't be selling them anytime soon just because I would lose my shorts. There is a cord made by Vintage Audio Labs that sells for $100 and is great on cdp's and pre's. This cord will give you more sparkle but thins out the mids a little and does not tighten up the low end like the Lessloss. It is the second best cord I have heard in my system on the cdp or pre.
I agree with Bhoage. Just received the discounted PC and hooked it up to my CDP. The difference was immediately noticeable. Was it better or just different? Well, whenever I hook up new equipment I have my wife, who is not interested in my hobby listen without knowing whether it is the new component or old. She listened for three minutes and without any question said I had to keep it in. On listening to jazz, drums were more defined and the background was quieter. YMMV
I added a second Lessloss cord in my system and it sounds great, not adding or taking away anything, It sounds like a live performance at a Jazz club.