Affordable Power Cords

Looking to replace the stock power cord on my Jolida 502A tube integrated amp and am considering purchasing Signal Cable's MagicPower power cord. But before I do so, I was wondering if other have had experience with this power cord and what their thoughts are about it? Also, would appreciate some suggestions on other affordable power cords ($50 - $100 range).

OK, I've decided to put this to the test myself. I have just purchased a couple of VD David PCs to try with my BAT VK500. I'll report myself when I get them but apparently it will be several weeks before I receive them. I intend to try them with my PS Audio PPP and straight from the wall, and even with my other components in turn if they are easy enough to fit.
Please let us know your impressions and results Oscar44. It's always interesting to hear of results in different systems.
Affordable is a matter of perspective. On my pre amp the Synergistic Research Tesla T2 power cord at $550 replaced my old Shunyata Anaconda 2 at $2200. The differences were startling- a much wider and deeper sound stage with pin point imaging and natural image outlines and bloom that was lacking with the Conda, more air, better low frequencies, unbelievable detail yet smoother and more transparent. The T2 is altogether organic making the Conda sound cool, metallic, flat and compressed by comparison.

The best advice when purchasing cables is to try them in your system first- after comparing different cables only then will you know what compliments your system.
My system sounds so much better with the free VD Power 3 cable I received, I decided to try a set of VD David IC's that were for sale here on A'gon. I put them between the CDP and the preamp, and they made the Speltz Anti-IC's sound like filters. They improved everything as much as the power cord had, so I figured I had to fill out my system with three more Power 3 cords. I'm waiting for delivery with much anticipation. I always thought my system was lacking, and couldn't figure out just what it was, until I got the freebie. Clarity, dynamics, etc. It's just so focused, Everything, from the pluck of a bass string, to the thwack of a drumhead, is just so focused. It's not only heard, but felt. Remarkably so in my system, since I was only using stock cords which were supplied with the equipment. I thought everyone was blowing hot air about the power cord improvements. I figured you just can't improve on simple A.C. How wrong I was. Now all of my music sounds brand new, and I'm having a hard time trying to figure out who I want to hear first!
>>My system sounds so much better with the free VD Power 3 cable I received<<

Interesting how good something sounds when it's free.

-George Harrison