Power cable that will "calm" digital

Seeking above. Don't want to go too far-just want to address a tad of the usual digital falseness I always hear when listening to this format rather than vinyl. Using Naim int and CD, both entry level with FJ speaks. Sounding really quite good-fast, musical, incisive. Don't want to remove those important characteristics. Ideas?
If you can find a modestly priced power cable of an older edition from Marigoaudio.com, then this may help by removing the digital nasties, as it did for me.
Also, vibration control with Herbiesaudiolab.com "The Black Hole" CD mat will help, for a ridiculously low price of $4.49, not a misprint!
This minimalist mat design represents the single best value to be found in entire Kingdom of Digital Tweakdom.
Look into JPS Labs cables. They worked wonders in my system - created a more open natural sound and eliminated digital nasties. Check our their website and reviews. I can't recommend them highly enough. And, buy used if you can.
I personnaly use Cardas Golden Ref on my system and am very pleased with the results. However my local Naim dealer uses Harmonic Technology and his system sound very good and he is on the outskirts of town and I would think his power may not be the best there.
I super highly recommend a van den Hul Mainsserver power cord. It is specially made for digital sources and is a wonder at making the cd format sound more natural. It works magic for me. And, after hearing its effect, two of my buddies got one for their systems. It is that good.

I will be extremely surprised if a power cord will solve your problem. A much better bet is to save up and buy a better digital source. I have found there is a magical threshold in CD players above which music becomes truly involving. This seems to come with a 3.5 - 4k price tag at minimum (new retail), but mind you this translates to 2k or so on the used market. My personal favorite is the Linn Ikemi, but there are many others I am sure. Audition what you can.