Noise Destoyer Power Conditioner

Has anyone tried this unit from the Cable Company ?

I have , I plugged it into my Shunyata Hydra 8 on a dedicated circuit.

It takes about an 1/2 hour (and continues to improve) to see the effects on Video but the colors are deeper and the picture quality is much improved. High def is really great!

On Audio, I have my APL and Pass Labs Amp on other dedicated circuits , but even so, the Audio definition improved quite a bit.I couldnt believe it.

I dont know what it is doing but it only cost $179.

I am going to order another one to be used with just my Audio.
Stringreem, You are so right! I just removed all the Alan Maher and Noise Destoyer units and everything sounds much better.
I suppose it matters how your electrical power is in your home and area as to if these types of units are a benefit.
They help on Video , but suppress Audio dynamics and high frequencies
I'll take one of your PE units off your hands for a "brother-in-law" deal.
Interesting... I just got 2 noise destroyer from the Cable company. I already have a noise harvester installed. When I inserted them into my system, I was trying to listen for more darkness because apparently that is what noise free power supply should do right? But the reverse is true. The sound became way more detailed and added a lot of air but not sure whether it has also turned my system a bit sharp. Or am I a bit overwhelmed by the level of detail. Thing is the noise harvester is still blinking even with 2 of the destroyers installed. BTW I have a PPP installed too. So not sure why the dramatic difference.