Noise Destoyer Power Conditioner

Has anyone tried this unit from the Cable Company ?

I have , I plugged it into my Shunyata Hydra 8 on a dedicated circuit.

It takes about an 1/2 hour (and continues to improve) to see the effects on Video but the colors are deeper and the picture quality is much improved. High def is really great!

On Audio, I have my APL and Pass Labs Amp on other dedicated circuits , but even so, the Audio definition improved quite a bit.I couldnt believe it.

I dont know what it is doing but it only cost $179.

I am going to order another one to be used with just my Audio.
Anytime I plug a line conditioner in my system it does harm. Try your system with no conditioner and take another listen.
Stringreem, You are so right! I just removed all the Alan Maher and Noise Destoyer units and everything sounds much better.
I suppose it matters how your electrical power is in your home and area as to if these types of units are a benefit.
They help on Video , but suppress Audio dynamics and high frequencies
I'll take one of your PE units off your hands for a "brother-in-law" deal.