Noise Destoyer Power Conditioner

Has anyone tried this unit from the Cable Company ?

I have , I plugged it into my Shunyata Hydra 8 on a dedicated circuit.

It takes about an 1/2 hour (and continues to improve) to see the effects on Video but the colors are deeper and the picture quality is much improved. High def is really great!

On Audio, I have my APL and Pass Labs Amp on other dedicated circuits , but even so, the Audio definition improved quite a bit.I couldnt believe it.

I dont know what it is doing but it only cost $179.

I am going to order another one to be used with just my Audio.
As Alan's description states:

The PE has 4 wide band filters (versus 5 for the PE 2) installed to offer good noise suppression over a wide frequency range. The PE can reduce and eliminate harmonic noise riding on the a/c circuit up to 250 feet (versus 350 ft. for the PE 2).
don't think computers are the culprit here since before the installation of noise destroyers, the sound of my system was actually darker. Right now, it sounds a lot more energetic like it has been given a vitamin drink.

What you are describing, however, is exactly the way jitter would sound to me. Less energy or levity or articulation to the music and a darker sound with lower midrange emphasis and a slight heaviness rather than punchiness in the bass. More energy or dynamics "like a vitamin drink" is just the way a really clean sounding system should sound.

Incidentally have you tried Sheffield Labs drum track on XRCD - if you have not then I suggest to give it a whirl - you may be surprised - it is one of teh most dynamic recordings I know of.
You think so? The cleanliness of power can have an effect on the clock performance of a D/A converter? How important exactly is AC power? I thought just a decent quality power should yield good results for your equipments? I have already had a PPP installed as a power source. Why such dramatic difference? My D/A converter is DAC3 from Bel Canto BTW. Anyways regarding my previous post, I sorta misunderstood what you were saying, thought you said liveliness of sound should be associated with jitter.

Oh BTW. I have good news to report. The noise harvester no longer blinks. It was blinking a bit yesterday and now no more. And I had actually tried plugging it into another power outlet to check whether it is working. The noise destroyers work! But then again how significant is burn-in to the performance of equipments? Things are starting to not make sense to me. If burn-in and power source make such a difference to the performances of electronics, what are the logics behind them? Is high-end audio that sensitive? Jeez... how are the manufacturers able predict the results in the end users systems? If indeed measured performances vary this much.