Any problem with a long power cord?

I have rearranged my listening room again, to move the equipment rack closer to the listening chair, but I am limited by the length of my longest PC as to how far I can go...

Are there any concerns about signal loss or anything like that, and is it hard to find PCs longer than 6'?



What a life we audiophiles would have, if all we had to worry about is only the length of our power cords?
I'm with Rlwainwright. Do not worry about this until you get to lengths of around 100 feet.
I guess I have a hard time taking PC advice from someone that doesn't have any good ones in their system...



A few years back , I had the same problem. I bought a Hydra 2 and used 2- 7 foot power cords on it, that will give you a 14 foot stretch.

Actually, some Audio people claim that power cords like Virtual Dynamics or Purist actually are better longer since their cords are designed to clean the hash.
Thanks Ozzy, I was hoping to get some feedback from people that were familiar with the issue, and had a bit of expereince with using better, long, PCs...


