What's the funniest or dumbest thing you did?

What is the funniest or dumbest HiFi related thing you have ever done?
The dumbest thing I did was to buy a used Nakamichi tape deck. When I could not get it to record consistantly I sent it out to be repaired. When I got it back I realized I was not using it right and it had been working the whole time. I know, I'm not real bright!
A friend of mine plugged his vacuum cleaner into his PS Audio P300 power plant... heh heh heh heh. The thing totally shut down and would not reset. Luckilly, he only blew the fuse on it.

I had just gotten my M-300 back from Audio Research after weeks of no music. I was so anxious to hear it, I brought it in the house during a rainstorm (uncovered) and promptly plugged it in. Smoke, sparks, and back to ARC for 2 more weeks of no music.
It was my pleasure, Gunbei.I took great satisfaction with this gift.I also appreciate your kind return gift of the Monster Cable Power strip. It is working very nicely in my bedroom home theatre set-up. As far as dumb things I've done,I'll let you all know later, because there are too many instances and I need to think and choose the dumbest.
I just installed a brand new Dynavector Ruby cartridge (23R) on my Alphason tonearm and I was ready to play the first album record using this new cartridge. I was holding the album jacket and could not find the opening in the jacket in order to remove the album. I rotated the jacket to take a closer look, when the album slid out and landed right on top of my new cartridge breaking the cantilever. Remember those album jackets' that had the slit on top, instead of the side where most are?? Upon, reflection, this was not funny, but is sure was dumb. Oh by the way, the album soom made it debut as a frisbie.
I'd been experimenting with homemade p/c's made by a friend of mine who swears by them. I put one on my Classe CDP-1, it worked well at first, then I went on a 2 week vacation. When I returned, the cd player kept shutting off. I would turn it on, it would play for 10 minutes or so, then shut off. I forgot about the p/c. I contacted Classe and they sent me an RA#. To make a long story short, they could find nothing wrong with it. They shipped it back, I've been using the stock cord ever since, no problems. I felt stupid for shipping the unit and waiting a month, when I should have tried to switch the p/c in the first place.