I own the Wilson Sophia 2s and of course LOVE them. I just recently discovered a fantastic new line of cables from Virtual Dynamics. I was trying the Cardas Golden Reference power cords when I found these, and much prefer the Virtual Dynamics product. Here is a photo of my Wilson/Ayre/Virtual system they put up on their website:
I have since upgraded all the cables and power cords to Reference 2 model, with one Genesis prototype power cord on the CD player. Virtual Dynamics Cable and Power Cords are truly spectacular. They cast a huge pinpoint accurate soundstage with lots of depth and perfect focus. They are wonderfully musical, and come complete with tears and goosebumps when the music touches your heart.
I traded old style Transparent Reference cable to buy these, and I will never look back. My audiophile friends cannot BELIEVE the difference these cables made in my system.
I suggest calling the company and chatting with James. They are a very friendly company and it is a free call. Great prices on B-stock and demo cables, here on Audiogon auctions, and directly from the company. The reason so many people are selling is the stuff is so good, it is addictive, and like me, people trade up a lot. But even their lower end lines will FLOOR you. At least that is what happened to me, many weeks and dollars ago.
Virtual Dynamics is up there among the very best available, just read the forums here and see what others are saying. I am in no way affiliated with the company, just one of their biggest fans !!