Does the"quality" of jumpers affect the sound?

I'm presently using Reality Cables and for the first time I'm using jumpers on my Tyler Sigs.
I had a run of Kimber 4TC from a previous system lying around which I took to a local audio store and had jumpers made.
Would a "better" jumper cable equate to better sound?
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I'm pretty sure every manufacturer that offers their speaker in a biwire version believes it absolutely makes a difference. Otherwise, why would they spend the extra money?
I wouldn't be so sure. I think many do it because it's "expected".
Two quick comments:

1) If the quality of the jumpers do not matter, there sure are many high-end speaker manufacturers who seem to supply high-quality ones, enough to imply that it does make a difference.

2) Best results so far for me: I use bare wire on the speaker end, and strip the wire jacket 2 inches and use the SAME wire to connect both ends.

Tvad- Wiring into the upper post and jumping to the bottom is something I've been doing (and suggesting) for quite a while also from recommendations by Tannoy and Stuart Marcus (Vampire Wire). It's good to hear others using this technique.
I think the only way is to wire to the top and jumper to the bottom. The highs are much more sensitive than the bass so it makes sense.
