04-29-07: Carl109
>>"No offence, but I think a few members really need to do a bit of basic reading on electronics to understand AC and DC current."<<
>>"Without getting bogged down here, DC (direct current, or fixed polarity) is what takes the information from source to preamp, preamp to power amp, down digital cables etc."<<
Unless I misunderstood something, isn't "analog" audio signal A.C. (~) from source to preamp, and preamp to poweramp?
>>"No offence, but I think a few members really need to do a bit of basic reading on electronics to understand AC and DC current."<<
>>"Without getting bogged down here, DC (direct current, or fixed polarity) is what takes the information from source to preamp, preamp to power amp, down digital cables etc."<<
Unless I misunderstood something, isn't "analog" audio signal A.C. (~) from source to preamp, and preamp to poweramp?