Carl, all signals in analogue are AC and therefore non directional. Circuits containing capacitors and coils cannot function on DC, they need the current to alternate at different frequencies to do their jobs.
The ouputs from digital device are simply a series of numbers that are decoded into an analagous AC signal to be amplified before being used at the speaker.
I am not an EE (I am a Chemical Engineer, actually), but have had an interest in this hobby for over 40 years and looked over many a circuit diagrams and can assure you that analogue circuits indeed carry Alternating Current, the frequency varying, of course, according to the signal being carried, thus the term Analagous.
Respectfully, Bob P.
The ouputs from digital device are simply a series of numbers that are decoded into an analagous AC signal to be amplified before being used at the speaker.
I am not an EE (I am a Chemical Engineer, actually), but have had an interest in this hobby for over 40 years and looked over many a circuit diagrams and can assure you that analogue circuits indeed carry Alternating Current, the frequency varying, of course, according to the signal being carried, thus the term Analagous.
Respectfully, Bob P.