Cable elevators

Hi. Would anyone like to weigh in on cable elevators, and whether or not they believe there is any audible difference with those speaker cables off the floor?
Keeping the cables short enough so they dont touch the ground would be the best option right.
Absolutely,...that at least as I understand it is the goal. Many of us would love also to get to a place where we have the mono-blocks of sufficient quality near enough to each speaker on all channels to make that happen!
i made some by attaching (glue) a 2x2 square of ceramic tile to the bottom of a tea cup (one without handles) then attaching a chop stick holder on top of the tile. you rest the cable on top of the chop stick holder and since it is curved you can even use a rubber band to go across the holder to keep the cable in place.
I bought 6 cables elevators : i couldn't hear any differences.
It just convenient when you need to clean the floor... but nothing more :)
I want to believe in these things, because it is a relatively cheap tweak. I did notice that there were just a handful of set ups at the recent audio show in NYC that used any kind of cable lifts, I mean like 2-4 out over 100 rooms. I found that more than interesting. But you know, for a couple of hundred bucks I am going to give it a try - they do look somewhat cool, and I'm pretty sure they can do no harm. Hope I'm blown away, but won't be too disappointed if I'm not.