How much money for your next interconnect cable???

I believe there were time people just looked at you and shout " you are crazy" when they heard how much money you have to paid for your interconnect cables. Even more so if they found out how much money we reselled them on audiogon after a short period of time (same thing happen to our audio component). And it will freak them out if they know again how much money for your next purchases. I know we just laugh and ignored their disbelieve. Anyways, do you plant to buy your new interconnect cables? If so, what is your budget and how do you gain your wife or significant patner acceptance!??!?!!!

Please include brands, models and why do you think this/these cable/s will improve your system.

My system include: Krell KRC-3, Krell kav-1500, krell FPB-200, CJ DR-1, CJ premier-11, Bench Mark DAC-1, Classe SSP-60, Sony DVD 9000ES, VPI scout Sig, Theil 3.6, Triangle Tratos Luna, Definitive Tech Ref, PS power plant-600, Shunyata Hydra 4, Monster HTS-5000s, Kimber Hero cables, Nordost Heimdall, Nordost Blue haven, Tranparent Ultra XL cables, Mit Shotgun cables, PS audio-Extream power cords.
Not much. How about anything that is shielded and that is advertised at less than half of its original cost?
Pbb, that is a good idea but I don't think that is enough for all the craziness in this hobby, right?
Mrtennis, that is very interesting, way to the future. I was looking at the new MIT Oracle but I think I should stay put just for now. I would love to know more about it
Anyone using ICs from JPS Labs? Have a Superconductor FX between TT & Amp. Have 2 pair of Ultraconductors between CDP/Tube Buffer/Amp and would like to upgrade. The Super is better than the Ultra. I've got a very modest the $348 x 2 for new 0.5 M Superconductor Qs (Q has replaced the FX) is a stretch. I realize by comparison to some of the ICs owned by A'gon members this is a pitifully small amount - none the less any suggestions about bargain/hi value brands? Used is OK. Imaging, Soundstage (with & depth), Netrality and Transparency (help the speakers dissappear)are the things I'd be looking for (if I'm not re-stating the obvious). Thanks. Hope this is somewhat in keeping w/Saxo's orginal reason for starting the thread.
i spoke to tom kenny of aural thrills. he explained that he is using a very low powered amp to drive the interconnect. it may still be on his web site.

he said it was very expensive and time consuming to produce this cable and it probably would not be a production item.

he told me that the cable could be constructed using any wire material but the benefit of the tube design is to "enhance" dimensionality. each wire material would affect the frequency response and spectral balance.