All time favorite speaker cables

I have gone through different speaker cables and seems unsettled..Somehow I look back at the past and missed speaker cables of the past that have graced my system..
do you have similar experience? are/is there all time favorite speaker cables worthy of keeping for a long long time?
the Cardas golden Hexlink 5c is one in my short list.
I have had many cables and my current MIT Oracle speaker cables and interconnects are by far the best I ever have had. My cds sound analog and the music sounds so real that from the next room it sounds like live musicians are playing. Of course my other equipment, Accuphase and Avantgaurds help account for this realism, but I have tried them with other highly regarded and reviewed cables and have lost that realism. You simply must audition these cables to appreciate what they can do.
Intuitive Design Chimera Reference carbon nanotube speaker cables. I did a review on them here on Audiogon. Another league up from conventional cables.
Both the Wireworld Eclipse III and the Gold Eclipse III were highlights of anything I've ever owned...and I've had much of what Cardas, Nordost, Kimber and others make/made.
Audioquest cables probably won't get much mention as they've become too mainstream but the first cable I tried and had an "ah hah" reaction was the original Audioquest Slate. They seemed to add a sense of depth to my system that only solid core cables have had. Not sure why but the newer version doesn't impress me quite as well.