All time favorite speaker cables

I have gone through different speaker cables and seems unsettled..Somehow I look back at the past and missed speaker cables of the past that have graced my system..
do you have similar experience? are/is there all time favorite speaker cables worthy of keeping for a long long time?
the Cardas golden Hexlink 5c is one in my short list.
I just received a 8' biwire set of Gregg Straley's Reality Cables and even though they are not fully broken in yet, they are really something else. Tonally, they are very neutral zippy highs, no bloated bass. Where they seem to have an edge over everything else I've used (AG biwire Mont Blanc, Zu Wax/6 awg combo and Anti-Cables) is in dimensionality. A plapability or "thereness" of everything. The soundfield in more inverted "U" shaped than "V" shaped. Textures and body is more evident. I don't know what he's doing or what's inside those stiff orange cables, but it is something special, IMHO. And for the $, they have got to be the steal of the century in the high-end audio world.
I am also using the Auditorium 23 speaker cables and am very pleased with them! They are very natural sounding. Timbral accuracy is excellent. Allows for fatigue-free listening!
Just installed Gregg Straley's Reality Cables. My search is finally over. After using Alphacore Goertz MI 1 cables for several years, switched to Signal cable Ultra's for fronts. IMO the Signals produced a fuller sound ... and just a bit on the warm side. I heard a system with some Transparent cables in place ... simply amazing, but I refuse to pay $2,000 for speaker cables! Then I got the upgrade bug ... auditioned Morrow Audio SP2, Speltz Anti-cables, and Audio Art SC-5. While all of these cables are excellent - especially at their price points - each was lacking in a certain area ... the Morrows (bass), Speltz (warmth/emotion), SC-5 (clarity/details). To me, of these three, the SC-5's are the best. Of course, YMMV. I eventually tried a shotgun bi-wire configuration with the Speltz combined with the SC-5's, which was actually quite good.

These Reality Cables do everything well ... top to bottom. There's an ease and refinement in my system now. It now approaches the "high end" sound realm I've been seeking. I believe the Reality Cables are the final piece of the puzzle. I was most impressed by the timbre and tonality they produce. This is the closest I've been to hearing real instruments. It sounds like a sax, piano, guitar playing ... as opposed to a recording of the music. The best part is, at $250/8ft pair these are still in the "budget" price range ... just slightly more than the others I tried, but at higher performance level.

Finally, Gregg Straley is pleasure to do business with. He's got great service and he stands behind his product.
I have Shunyata Andromeda and love them. The shunyata cables stood out among every every cable I auditioned all being in or near the same price.