Don't you just hate it when---

something very unusual happens to you pet toy! I had the great misfortune on damaging my ZYX universe cartridge in a freak accident. I was changing out my cartridge and installing on a new tonearm i built for my apollo. I had the cartridge (stylus cover in place) on the table. I dropped my small screwdriver and in a impulse tried to catch it and arggh, knocked my universe off the table on to the floor. I was not really worried as my stylus cover was securely fastened.

Well i picked it up and notice three prongs vs the normal 4. My ground prong was gone. I found it and looked at the cartridge under my scope and it appears as it fell, it somehow hit that prong and snapped the plastic body. Now i have a screwed up cartridge. I have contacted Soundsmith and they will look to see if they can repair. I can not see any coil issue and i can see the small wire the connected to the ground. Obviously i am heartbroken. I will install a carpet around my turntable "table" in case i get stupid again.
Fortunately i have an Airy3 as a backup.
I dread it when my vinyl sound heads south for whatever reason, usually cart related. There are so many ways to go wrong and only one way to get it right. I try to never touch it unless I hear something off.

Years ago, working at Tech Hifi, Lafayette, and Radio Shack at various stages, I set up carts for most customers regularly during purchase. DO don't recall many complaints. Of course my eyes were much sharper back then, which helps.

Nowadays, I do not play vinyl nearly as much as in the past. I try to leave good things alone for as long as possible.
Damaging a cartridge while you're working on your tt is not a freak accident. Unfortunately.
Hi Oilman

A few years ago I beheaded my XV1's long cantilever some 15 feet from the turntable when doing some maintenance. When I realized what happened I believe my soul left me for a while. My only hover over my body experience that I can recall so far :^(
Soundsmith said the accident damaged the coils and it could not be repaired. Luckily through audiogoneer Nandric I was put in contact with Axle in Germany. He rebuilt it. If SS says it can't be fixed let me know I can send you Axle's info. SS do excellent work and have retipped 3 of my cartridges. I nicknamed my cartridge XV1-AXE.

Good luck with it.
Well, Oilman, I would say 'you done lost your mojo.' At least for the moment. Do not delay, call Mehran straightaway, and let him know of your plight. Mehran is one of the coolest in the biz. I bet he will take good care of you. Any other path, and you are just taking more risk. If you live outside US, call Mehran just the same.