Leica - Lets see you do it in a blind test. So far many have made the claim but none have been able to deliver - which is why the $1M remains unclaimed and no cable manufacturer ever puts on a comparative demonstration.
TBG - all audio components are designed using engineering principles - either theoretical or empirical. EE has a very good understanding on how components work - they would not do so without it! It is not some alchemical art no matter what the magazines would have you believe. Your statements about statistics are also in error - I have a PhD in mathematics and work in advanced statistical on a daily basis techniques in a scientific field way beyond anything under discussion here. Probabilities are statistics are linked at the most fundamental level - even a basic understanding should show you that.
TBG - all audio components are designed using engineering principles - either theoretical or empirical. EE has a very good understanding on how components work - they would not do so without it! It is not some alchemical art no matter what the magazines would have you believe. Your statements about statistics are also in error - I have a PhD in mathematics and work in advanced statistical on a daily basis techniques in a scientific field way beyond anything under discussion here. Probabilities are statistics are linked at the most fundamental level - even a basic understanding should show you that.