Synergistic LED's How long do they last ???

On another thread, Ted from Synergistic said the LED used in the Active shielding can last up to 75,000 hours.

With the mini couplers being powered on continously that would mean they would last a little over 8 years.

The active shielding with the LED's that Synergistic uses has been around for a while.
1. So, Active shield owners has your LED's lasted that long ?
2. If not , how long has yours lasted?
3. If you had to replace your LED's, how much did it cost?
4. Is ther anyway to replace the LED by the owner?
Ozzy, mine was one of the ones that failed in the first 100 hours and Synergistic promptly repaired it in painless easy process. My oldest cable (Rel Spec) which is about 4 years old, I never had a problem.
Thanks Joeyboynj for the info.
I am so impressed by the new Tesla cables that I want to complete my system with them.

Leica man , As you know the cables are expensive.
So please, do not be so negative about a simple question.
That is, from actual owners experience, how long have the LED's lasted ?

Additionally, Ted from Synergistic said they should last for 75,000 but he only has evidence of a set lasting for 50,000 hours.
That is why I am trying to find out what owners have experienced.

Here is Ted's comments from Synergistic.
"The life expectancy for LED's is dependent on many factors including voltage and operating temperature. When used in the Active Shielding circuit they are operating under ideal circumstances and should last 75,000 hours or more before needing to be replaced. For the record I had a pair of Alpha Sterling Active and Alpha Quad Active IC's and SC's in my home office system from the original X Series circa 2001 that were on continuously from 11. 01 through 11.06 without incident-nearly 50,000 hours. We have less then a 1% failure rate on LED's after an initial 100 hour period going back to the original X Series when LED's first appeared on our cables in 2001. If the LED"s are going to burn out they normally do so during the first 100 hours of life; after that they are good for thousands and thousands of hours".
Do you all keep the active shield plug plugged into an outlet at ALL time? I just started using these active shield cables. I will be away from home for a week. Just wondering if I should keep them plugged in or if I should unplug them.

Did some research online the other day, and I remember reading somewhere that after "activating" the shield, it usually takes a few hours for it to settle before it reach 100% effectiveness. What are your experiences?

Gundam91, Most audio nuts (like me) will keep them powered on all the time. They take a few days (3-4) to get back to there best after being unplugged.
That being said however, Ted from Synergistic is recomending to unplug them for 12 hours a month to allow them to recharge.

But if your gone for a week, I would probably unplug them.
I had two of these rascals burn out in rapid succession. Don't know what I did, but I think it was related to a broken miniplug extension cable. Anyway, you can replace the LEDs by stripping the shrink wrap off, soldering in a new LED, and re-shrinkwrapping. I replaced mine with red, but I think I'll need to bo back to the stock blue so one day I can sell the cables (with full disclosure, of course). If anyone knows what LED is stock, please let me know.

Somewhere above, Ozzy says that the LEDs are the active shielding. I think this is not the case. The LED is powered by the active shielding circiut, but I found 24V in the circuit even with the LED removed.