Stealth Audio Dream Petite

Hi, I'm using Stealth's Hybrid MLT. Did anyone heard the new Dream Petite speakercable? Will be upgrading the MLT -which I like A LOT- to this new type.


thanks so much for your very clear response. I know exactly what you mean.

In my system I am finding the slightly forward presentation more useful. Due to my slightly insensitive planar speakers, I find that a slight injection of impact is rewarding.

I have a lot of detail and depth, but I was looking for that last bit of front row! The AP gold I was using is a brilliant cable, but it maybe a little laid back in comparison to the VD master LE in dynamics.

You mention the Stealth has more detail in the highs which is interesting. I run a DCS source, and it has incredible definition especially in the highs. I cant imagine there is more to be had. I seem to have a lot of air above the note. Things like ride cymbals shimmer with detail after the hit of the drum stick.

I do take your point about depth.

I have found it hard to get both width and depth at the same time in soundstage, especially if you have pinpoint type imagery. In my experience I seem to get one at the slight expense of the other.

Have you found the anything that can do both? I have had tube amps that give the impression its happening but usually with a problem somewhere else.
Chadeffect, to be honest, no, I haven't found anything that presents depth and width. I've also noticed that the more depth I get in a soundstage the narrower it gets, and bringing the stage more forward increases the stage width and height. I did find at one point my stage got too deep, I felt like the band was out in my driveway. I was able to move several rows forward by placing a DCCA Reference Master on my power conditioner. However, for the most part I like a deep, 3-D presentation, say around row 12.

It's all a matter of balance, you may just want to change one cord to move forward or back. It sounds like you want to move even more forward, are you using all VD cables and cords? If not, try adding some more.

FWIW, it may be hard to believe, but the Stealth cables/cords will provide more detail and air in the high's. However, if you feel that your dcS already is providing great high's with the VD, the Stealth may be too much of a good thing. I do know some who find the Stealth sonic signature 'bright'. My system is a bit on the warm side, so the more abundant detail of the Stealth is well appreciated here.

Hi John,
my VD cables are still new and had no real hours on them. So I will wait to see how it balances out.

Regarding soundstage I have found the same as you. I am not using VD powercords as they cannot fit in the tight area that houses my power conditioner.

I use the latest AP power cords and some nirvana digital cords too all terminated with Oyaide plugs and sockets. I use the gold Oyaide plugs as I find they give a nice warmth with clean detail.

I would love to try the stealth maybe just the power cords would work for me.

My main problem is housing the VD cables at the moment. They sound great. Amazing focus with the best dynamics I have heard, with maybe a slight copper darkness in the highs (which I think you mean).

The biggest problem is my hifi cant fit inside the cabinet with the VD cables connected at the moment. They are a major pain to fit.
They are a major pain to fit.

I know! When I was demoing a pair of VD Revelation speaker cables a while back, the cables snapped the binding posts off of one of my JRDG monoblock amps.

wow snapped off!

It seems that it takes a lot of care to work with these cables. I used a VD digital XLR cable between my old ML31.5/30.6 and it lifted the transport up at the back! The Levinson is not light.