Von Schweikert VR-4JR Bi-Wire

I just bought a set of VR-4's and wish to bi-wire them. My challenge is that the distance from the top speaker post to the bottom is about 25". I don't, for looks sake only, want to run two separate cables.

The first cable I tried, a cheap one thank goodness, didn't reach both speaker posts. I've heard that Analysis Plus is a good match but am not sure they would reach either. Does anyone know of a bi-wired cable that would match the VR-4's distance challenge while still sounding great? Thanks for any insight you can all shed.

Thanks to all for your useful feedback. I'm going to try giving Acoustic Zen a whirl. I had never heard of "Herbies Big Fat Black Dots" before this but now am anxious to incorporate them as well. Thanks again!
...and one more thing. Albert Von Schweikert now produces his very own speaker cables for his very own speakers. Imagine that!!! You can find a review on enjoythemusic.com under Rick Becker auditioning of the VR-4 Sr MK2 He did a pretty good job there, he did! The other fellow's name that produces cables specificly for The Von's is one Paul Garner, not Paul Varner. He's worth talking to. btw The price for those Verbatim cables in Texas(?) here on the gon are about 1/2 price. Have fun
If you jacket your seperate cables, you will loose the benefit of bi-wire. On another idea...don't think that a marketed cable by a speaker or amp manufacturer is a preferred combination. I thought so, but was bitten hard when I realized how awful the cables were. The electronics are wonderful.
Thank you so much for bringing this up! I ran my Alpha Quad Actives into the woofer posts directly (which I highly recommend: damping factor and all that) and then ran a pair of Guerrilla Audio pure silver speaker wires from there to the tweeters bypassing the jumper plates and woofer to tweeter jumper altogether. Synergistic Research uses this particular approach to bi-wiring and has an interesting article that you may find interesting.

Cohesion, I get it now! Voices are less sibilant and more liquid. There is a much greater sense of air and ambience.
