Do you consider Avalon, CAT and Shindo to be low cost, quality components? I don't.
I guess my point is I believe in total system balance. I would no sooner put low price cables in the system then I would hook a low price amp up to a Shindo preamp. It just doesn't make sense. In either case you will not get the full performance that the Shindo is capable of.
Sure, I could buy more expensive components if I used zip cord to hook them up, but what would be the point? I know some guys take it too far (IMHO), and have systems where the cables cost more than the equipment, but a properly balanced system will sound better than a bunch of expensive pieces thrown together. I know $$$ and quality are not always tied together, but I have to wonder if you'd hook up your Shindo and CAT to some Paradigm bookshelf speakers.
Yes, the Jade website is poor and not up to date. J.D is also not the quickest to respond, and yes, he is a friend of mine. He is a small company, and has become 'friends' with most of the folks he comes in contact with. He has 'friends' who aren't even his customers. Sound and friendship are seperate entities though. I have many friends, but I don't always agree with what they call good sound. I have become friends with other manufacturers and dealers, but I'm not a schill. I told you about Jade because they are the best cables I've heard, and I have heard more expensive ones too. If they are too expensive for you, then so be it. There certainly are many less expensive cables out there to choose from. I apologize for recommending them, as you did say low cost. I just looked at you equipment list and made the mistaken impression that you wanted to do your gear some sort of justice.
No hard feelings. I see that you are new here, and it takes time to learn how to properly assemble a system. Simply throwing together a bunch of famous components rarely gets the job done right. Just as a carefully selected, strongly bonded team will usually outperform an All-Star team.