Low price, quality cables for avalon ,CAT, shindo

i'm searching cables (inter/speaker) for my indra speakers, i have a cat JL2 amp and shindo preamp.

I only know Transparent cable (which are way too expensive) and I don't beleive in high priced cable.

Can you help me ?
Hey guys, look at this :


Auditorium 23 speakers cables used with SHINDO, what is the price ????

$880 for 2.5 meters.

So maybe there is in fact a way (not the only one, but one) to use relatively inexpensive cables with GREAT result with shindo products...

They are sold by Tone Import (importator of shindo in USA) on their website : "Keith Aschenbrenner began experiments in the early 90's to find a suitable speaker cable to work with his then new line of electronics Shindo Laboratory"

Maybe i'm not so dumb and incompetent in my will to find inexpensive cable which can deliver great result with my system.
What seems unwise to me (not dumb) is to purchase cables based solely on recommendation and review without first listening to them and comparing them to other cables in your system over a period of time.

BTW there are many- read many cables at the 800 to 1200 dollar price point that might cause you to re-think your stance on how cables do or do not contribute to the sound of your system.
but seriously when you see the website it is quite scary.
I disagree. One man has taken the time to add a little warmth and fun to his site rather than the same ol' web design of images of grand pianos, 400 year-old violins, conductors, treble clefs, etc. And then we often read the claims that products chase the absolute sound, their implementation of aerospace engineering techniques, etc., etc., etc. The same marketing hype gets old quickly. But here we have something different and you immediately dismiss it. Come on, lighten up a bit - enjoy this rather than taking it all so seriously.

Rather than be intimidated by attacking teddy bears, why not read the text on the site of materials used, the many iterations of various wire gauges auditioned, the willingness to customize cables for each customer, etc., and take advantage of the opportunity to try these free for a month. It makes a lot more sense than buying a product based on a review and then being stuck with it when it does not outperform what you already have for less cost.

My experiences mirror much of Chrisla's. It was not 7-8 years ago that power cables made no difference in my system and this was with highly respected top ARC electronics, Magnepan speakers and Linn TT. But then a power conditioner came along, and some Kubala-Sosna and Purist cables, and suddenly power cables and then speaker cables started to make a huge difference. Ironically, the IC from preamp to amp has ALWAYS made a huge difference when a tube preamp was in the chain.

What have made me doubtfull is that I have compared 2000$ cables to 30 000$ Transparent and heard difference BUT no improvment, you see what I mean ?
No........your conclusion is only relevant for those 2 cables in the system they were used. Don't make the blanket conclusion that because you heard no improvement here that the point of diminishing returns for all cables is much lower. I don't see this as dumb or incompetent but rather jumping to conclusions without first doing some home-trials of many cables.
@ Jafox : you are right a website can look serious and selling bad stuff, it is just that Jade cable are out of my budget.

I don't want to try cables that I can't afford, i have made intense research to buy my system at "low cost" of course when you see shindo cat avalon, you can think "not a problem for him to buy expensive cable" but it is not the case, i have to buy good inexpensive one.

I just share with you my first impression about cables, I never said "expensive cables are bullshit" i said "for me, for now, i don't see their utility AND i can't afford them"

So i have not many choices, you understand my point of view ?

I can figure easely that expensive cables work (you made comparison AB, so..) but i think the difference between a cable at 1000$ and one at 10 000$ is not so important as can be a preamp at 1000$ and one at 10 000$
My system: Monbrison, Mahi's, and LV IBX.

I believe you match the amp w the speaker as long as long as the pre plays nice w the amp. I also strongly believe that price has nothing to do with system balance.

The cables I've "settled" in on are Auditorium 23's and am currently deciding betwean Acoustic Zen silvers RefII's and the Matrix. The Matrix's have some burn in left but are sounding promising. I'm hearing more "decays, ambiance, harmonic overtones" in my system than I ever had. Total approximate costs of cabeling will be around $1400 (purchased used).

I also hate switching in and out cables and it will take me months just too chose betwean the AZ's. Slow, incremental changes in the system is the style that serves me the best.