Signal Power Cord with digitial components

I recently purchased a Signal Power Cord for my Audio Refinement amp and was instantly blown away by the improvement in the soundstage it gave over my stock cord. Now I am thinking of getting the digital power cord that is offered by them for my Audio Refinemnt Pre-2DSP and my future Integra HD-DVD player. I was wondering if anyone has tried this cord on their proceessor or a HD-DVD player. Thanks
I recently purchased a Signal Power Cord for my Audio Refinement amp and was instantly blown away by the improvement in the soundstage it gave over my stock cord.

"instantly blown away" is significant - so you may indeed have problems with dirty power or gear interaction. I doubt the manufacurer of the amp would sell it with a stock power cord if a tremendous improvement could be had with such a simple change. Have you considered trying the power cord you already have with each component (A/B testing) or an active power conditioning unit that you could use for all you gear?

Another thing to check would be to unplug all gear that you don't is possible that a dirty SMPS power supply somewhere is inducing noise into the rest of your gear through the mains - TV's use quite a bit of power and can dirty the mains.
That is very interesting SSGLX. So maybe the basic cord would work just fine. I can see your point. Thanks
If you can deal with their stiffness, Magic Power cords all around wouldn't be a bad idea. Frank will make them with 90 deg connectors too if you ask.
So I bought the HD DVD player and I see the female end into the player is like something I have never come across before. It is sort of half square/half round. I was wondering if anyone knew the name for that connection. It's a lot smaller than a typical 15 amp female. I was hoping on upgrading the power cord to it but know I don't know if such an upgrade exists??? Thanks
I think you'll need to use an adapter if you want to try and 15A IEC. You can review possible candidates here:

I'm not saying you should buy frome Gene (although he is a great guy) but you'll probably find the necessary model from his offerings. I use one on my OPPO dvd player with good results.