Anyone been in contact with Jade Audio recently?

Just wondering if anyone's been in touch with JD from Jade Audio recently? I got a pair of Vermeil Gold interconnects from him a while back, and while I think they are incredible, I wanted to discuss replacing their Eichmann Copper Bullets with Furutech Gold plugs... I also want to buy another interconnect for a center channel! I tried emailing him a couple times, but didn't get a response. And I just called the phone number on his website, which actually turned out to be his home phone... (I didn't want to bother his family by leaving a message on the answering machine!) I know he's been battling a serious heart ailment, so I truly hope he's okay! If anyone can give me tips on getting in touch with him, I'd appreciate it!

Hey John,

Thanks for the info! I'll give him a call once the holiday season is over. Now if I could only save up some $$$ to upgrade to the Hybrids... :-)

Tomer, I have had all three of JD's cables, the Solid Gold, Vermeil Gold, and Hybrid. They are much like JD descibed them in his ads, with the original Solid Gold being the sweetest, sounding like a SET amp, the Vermeil like a very good SS amp, and the Hybrid like, well like a Hybrid amp. Which you would prefer is up to your system and musical tastes. I know several who prefer the Vermeil's speed and transparency over the added rich harmonics that the Hybrid or Solid Gold bring to the table.
It's all about balance and what you need, if your system happens to sound best with the less expensive Vermeil, which is entirely possible, just relax and enjoy it. The Vermeil is one of the best bargains in cables that I am aware of today.

Hey John,

I've got the Vermeil with Eichmann Copper Bullets and Bybee filters, and they simply sound incredible in my system... I don't have too much experience with high end interconnects, though I did pick up a pair of Gabriel Gold Revelations and the Vermeils blew them away (in my system, with my ears, and my music of course!) I am running an all digital system, so the added richness of the Hybrid sounds appealing, but since I also eventually need to get a matching one for a center channel, going that route is likely too expensive for me. I guess I'd also like to try a pair of Synergistic Tesla Accelerators, but again, anything beyond that is also getting a bit out of my price range. I do think that JD mentioned that the Vermeils can be made to sound a little richer with the Furutech gold plugs, which is why I was considering sending them back for an upgrade!

I just sent JD an email to order his Vermeil Digital. Will keep this forum informed.
tomer just wondered if you let the Gabriel Golds break-in before your assestment?They do take a while to do so