Tomer, I have had all three of JD's cables, the Solid Gold, Vermeil Gold, and Hybrid. They are much like JD descibed them in his ads, with the original Solid Gold being the sweetest, sounding like a SET amp, the Vermeil like a very good SS amp, and the Hybrid like, well like a Hybrid amp. Which you would prefer is up to your system and musical tastes. I know several who prefer the Vermeil's speed and transparency over the added rich harmonics that the Hybrid or Solid Gold bring to the table.
It's all about balance and what you need, if your system happens to sound best with the less expensive Vermeil, which is entirely possible, just relax and enjoy it. The Vermeil is one of the best bargains in cables that I am aware of today.
It's all about balance and what you need, if your system happens to sound best with the less expensive Vermeil, which is entirely possible, just relax and enjoy it. The Vermeil is one of the best bargains in cables that I am aware of today.