Python Alpha versus VH Audio AirSine

Has anyone compared these two powercords. What are the differences? I am talking about the non helix version of the Python.

I am need of one more really good powercord to be a supply cable to my Ultimate Outlet from the wall. Thanks in advance.

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Given the two cables you mention, i would opt for the Airsine. As a matter of fact, the Airsine is right up there with the Python helix cable. Either choice would be great for you, although I feel the PS Audio ultimate outlet would be a very weak link with such capable power cables.
Jalapenos what would you suggest for conditioning? I am adding powercables as I can and then working on up.
I'm just not a fan of PS Audio power products. I owned several of their UO and have replaced them with Shunyata Hydras to great effect. Just my opinion though!
I agree with Jalapenos, dump the PS Audio Ultmate outlet. Instead, get an Oyaide R1 (cryoed) outlet to put in the wall.
Yoby then I don't have any surge protection but I see your point.

What is it about the UO you guys don't like? I used to have a Hydra 2 and sold it. Overall I did not like what it did in my system. Maybe I didn't have the right supply cord?