I'm just not a fan of PS Audio power products. I owned several of their UO and have replaced them with Shunyata Hydras to great effect. Just my opinion though!
Yoby then I don't have any surge protection but I see your point.
What is it about the UO you guys don't like? I used to have a Hydra 2 and sold it. Overall I did not like what it did in my system. Maybe I didn't have the right supply cord?
It appears Yoby might be confusing the UO with an in-wall duplex outlet...but he is right on the money recommending oyaide.
the hydra is designed for high current loads, did you have an amplifier connected to it? an appropriate supply cable almost doubles the sonic benefit of a hydra. perhaps you could give the hydra another try along with a python helix or airsine?
I wouldn't spend that kind of money on a cable to connect to a $300 PS Audio UO. I would, as others recommended, get a R-1 Oyaide BUT also the WPC-Z outlet cover. It makes a huge difference than an R-1 only. Start there and listen w and w/o the UA connected. I found the Oyaide upstream made things better downstream. I think the UA will help still. It has filtering inside.
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